Previous Top Stories


George, a gentle yellow lab shot and killed by a Portland off-duty policeman for no apparent reason. Policeman has been charged.


Read about and sign an on-line petition to help one Oregon local government change policies towards animals

Alaskan Dall Sheep

News Alerts from Alaska Wildlife Alliance. Critical issues regarding animals in Alaska.

Alaskan Wolf

Yellowstone Wolves in Danger. Judge rules reintroduction of wolves to park illegal. Wolves may be killed. Please Help.

Kentucky Alert

Wildlife in Kentucky Need Your Help. Inhumane treatment of so-called "pest" wildlife will be the result of proposed regulations

Jessie and Chase

SB 434 would have given dogs that chase livestock a second chance. Passed by the Oregon Senate it was killed by order of House Majority Leader Lynn Snodgrass.

Noah's Ark Shelter Tragedy

The Noah's Ark Tragedy. Teens break into Iowa animal shelter and bludgeon cats to death

Friends of Shelter Animals

Multnomah County Animal Control budget cuts makes it more difficult for owners of lost pets to find and claim them

Mink Farming Myths. See one reader's response to the Oregonian's coverage of the raid on the Mt. Angel Oregon mink farm, and the Humane Society's position on mink farming.

Orca Whale

Japan breaks International Moratorium on Orca (Killer whale) Capture. What you can do.


Norway declares war on its endangered lynx population. Sign an on-line petition.


Help ban the Livestock "Death Collar" in Oregon